Legal Humanities Fellowship Program


Spring 2021 Fellowship: Applications Now Open

The Collegium Institute invites you to apply for the Spring 2021 Fellowship program in the Legal Humanities. The program welcomes a small group of fellows from the University of Pennsylvania to participate in six seminar-style discussion sessions. The discussions will be facilitated by academics and professionals in law, history, and philosophy.

This semester's module, Legal Humanities: Foundations and New Frontiers, will cultivate reflection on the Legal Humanities project as a whole: how can the law — its substance and practice — help us and those we engage to become more fully human?

While the fundamental questions being explored in this module are similar to those explored in the Fall 2020 semester, the readings and special guest facilitators will be new, so alumni of the Fellowship are eligible to participate again in Spring of 2021.

Time: Wednesdays, 4:30pm to 5:45pm Eastern Time

Tentative Dates: January 27, February 3, February 10, February 17, February 24, and March 3

Application Deadline: January 25, 2021 at 5:00pm

Please direct any questions you may have to the Fellowship's Director, Dr. Benjamin Brady at